The TNT - A 1929 Single Control Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL
The TNT - A 1929 Single Control Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL

The Colpitts Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL
The Colpitts Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL

The Tuned Plate Tuned Grid (TPTG) Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL
The Tuned Plate Tuned Grid (TPTG) Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL

The Hartley Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL
The Hartley Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL

The MOPA Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL
The MOPA Transmitter by Steve McDonald, VE7SL

Your First 1930s Power Oscillator by Dean Faklis, NW2K
Your First 1930s Power Oscillator by Dean Faklis, NW2K

Building a 1929 Style Hartley Transmitter by Scott M. Freeberg, WA9WFA
Building a 1929 Style Hartley Transmitter by Scott M. Freeberg, WA9WFA

Working With Crystal Control: A 'Part 15' Broadcast Band Transmitter by Dick Parks
Working With Crystal Control: A 'Part 15' Broadcast Band Transmitter by Dick Parks

A Final Amplifier for the 1929 Hartley by Edward P. Swynar, VE3CUI
A Final Amplifier for the 1929 Hartley by Edward P. Swynar, VE3CUI

K0SM's 3 Hartleys
K0SM's 3 Hartleys
Grinding a Crystal for a Vintage Transmitter
Grinding a Crystal for a Vintage Transmitter
Part 1 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use
Part 1 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use
Part 2 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use
Part 2 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use
Part 3 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use
Part 3 - Converting an AM Broadcast Transmitter for Ham Radio Use